Friday, September 27, 2013

Comfy. Oh Comfy

September 27th:  Comfort Olugbuyi

I still can't say your last name. Comfort and I have known each other for sevenish years. We met at Kids Across America back in the days of yummy camp food, lots of loud Christian rap music, and hundreds of children running around in the hot summer sun. I could think of a million reasons why she and I are friends and why Comfort belongs on this list but the biggest reason she has impacted my life came after we had known each other for a few years. I moved back to Arkansas in 2009 after a two year stint in Chicago. It was the hardest, most difficult move of my life. Cue Comfy. Thankfully, Comfort was living in Siloam Springs, where I happen to move to. Through the next few months, as I began to transition back to life in a small , homogenous town and away from the place I had called "my dream job," Comfort was there the entire time. There to make me laugh, there to see my through some rough days, and there just to be my good friend. I cannot imagine how I would have made it through those first few months of being back in Arkansas without her by my side. Comfort is one of the most fun and joyful people I know. I am so, so very thankful for our friendship, so thankful that I am still trying to get her to move back to Arkansas (she moved to Palm Beach...I mean come on, is Palm Beach really that much better than Arkansas??? Oh wait, it is!). 

In fact, she is such a great friend that she drove five hours from Denton (while on vacation from work) to come see Izzy and I last night and this morning. Here are a couple pictures from yesterday:

Izzy thought Comfort was the coolest thing ever. As soon as she walked in the door, Izzy came waddling down the hallway and reached up to Comfort. They were instant buddies. We had such a wonderful time laughing and reminiscing last night. I so wish she lived closer to us!!!
Thank you for being my friend, Comfy! You have definitely been one of the 30 most impactful people in my 30 years of life!

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