Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Second Family

September 28th. Day 2. Jeanie and Rick Gray.

It's really hard to pick just thirty people who've impacted my first thirty years of life the most. Yet, these two, Jeanie and Rick Gray, came to my mind almost immediately. The Grays were my second family growing up. I think I spent more time hanging out at their house than I did my own. From the days of saying "Wicky" and doing "gymnastics," to the days of baking five different types of cookies in their kitchen (and making a huge mess!), their home was always open to me. I was so close to the Gray family that I even went on several beach vacations with them. Those vacations were some of my favorite memories. I've known their daughter, Lori, for almost twenty five years. From headstart to high school graduation, we were best friends and so sometimes I felt like I spent more time with Jeanie and Rick than I did my own parents. They were always supportive of me, even after graduation and moving on to college and adult life. I have so, so many memories that include them. They helped raise me and shape me into the person I am today. I can't imagine what life would have been like as a kid and teen without the Gray family. I know I would be a different person and I wouldn't have the millions of memories (and embarrassing videos) if not. Thank you Jeanie and Rick Gray for being such a big impact on my life over the past 30 years. You two are definitely one of the 30 most impactful people of my almost 30 years of life. I love you guys!

Oh and recently there was an article about Jeanie, Lori, and Melissa:

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