Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thankful for those who take chances

Day 3. September 29th. Bill and Marcie Curry.

Taking chances.  When I think of people who've impacted my life the most, I think about Bill and Marcie Curry. Not just because they are AWESOME people but because they took a chance on me. Here I was, a country girl from Arkansas calling up Bill Curry asking him if Breakthrough had a spot for me. I had never been to Chicago and had no idea what I was doing, just that I knew God was calling me out of my comfort zone and into the inner city. Thankfully, for some crazy reason, Bill and Marcie took a chance on me and set up for me to come work for Breakthrough. And, it changed my life forever. I learned so much, grew so much, and changed so much. I learned about social justice, urban education, community development, and how to love people who look and act a lot different than me. I learned about myself and about life outside of my little bubble. I was challenged daily and it was by far two of the most important years of my life. Working for Breakthrough was my dream job in so many ways and I am so very thankful that I had the opportunity to work there, even if it was for just two years. Bill and Marcie are two people whom I admire. They dedicate their lives to the people and youth of East Garfield Park. Dedicate their lives to loving Jesus and loving others. They give so much every day, without asking for anything in return. They have three pretty cool kids, too. I am so very thankful that Bill and Marcie took a chance on me and I took a chance on myself. Thanks for changing my life, Bill and Marcie! You guys have definitely been some of the most impactful people in my 30 years of life!

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