Saturday, October 5, 2013

Birthday Girl

Day 8: Andrea Williams

Praise you Jesus for Andrea Williams. Today is her 31st...uh, I mean 29th...birthday. Since it is her birthday, I am dedicated day 8 to her. Andrea is the kind of person that changes your life. She is my very best friend in this world. I have a lot of friends, but not very many people that I call my best friends. Andrea ranks at the top. We met back in 2007 when I first moved to Chicago. One of the many reasons I loved Chicago was because I met her. You know those people you can tell anything to? That's her. I consider myself a pretty private person and the only other person besides Jeremy that knows practically everything about me is Andrea. She's was the FIRST person I told that I was pregnant (besides family) and the first person I call when I have a fight with Jeremy (ha...sorry babe). She's the person I call when I need advice about work and the person I call when I'm on a long drive and need someone to chat with. I would give my left arm for us to live in the same city. I miss our long talks over coffee and cookies at Letizia's Bakery. I miss our girls' vacations to Colorado and South Carolina  I miss our late night runs to Oberweiss for ice cream. I am so thankful for technology, though. Thankful that I can call, facetime, Skype, facebook, get the picture...any time I want. Real, true friends are hard to come by. Andrea is one of the smartest people I know (I mean, I did just find out she made a 32 on her ACT back in the day...wowzers) and she is also one of the kindest, awesomest people I know as well. She worked for Breakthrough for many years and just recently moved on to become a teacher at Biedler School in East Garfield Park (a neighborhood on the west side of Chicago). She dedicates her life to children in that neighborhood. She gives so much of herself, always has, to guide, teach, and minister to them. I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet Andrea. Thankful to get the opportunity to see her teach and love on children in East Garfield. She showed me what inner city ministry looked like. She befriended me when I knew no one in the city. She listens to me moan and groan about my husband and doesn't judge! HA! She gives up her weekends to hang out with me when I come into town, and becomes my chauffer as I ask to be taken to all of my favorite restaurants. She truly is the epitome of a good friend. Thank you for showing me what real friendship looks like Andrea!

Andrea Williams has definitely been one of the most influential people in my life. And, I know that in 30 more years, she will still be. She's just one of those lifelong friends. I think you'll see us someday...gray-haired, with a few wrinkles, smiling and laughing on the beach somewhere, enjoying a girls' weekend away from the husband, kids, and grandkids. I can't wait!

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