Sunday, October 13, 2013

My daddy

Day 14: Wayne Cole (aka my daddy)

Okay, let me preface this by saying that I missed another day yesterday. So now I am two days behind. I better get on it if I want to finish by my birthday!

Yesterday, I got to spend the whole day with my family. We went to the football game together (the hogs were an embarrassment) and then cooked out at my house afterward. It was sort of a birthday present for Brandon and I. A few years ago, I came up with idea that every year for my bday I wanted  tickets for a razorback game...with my dad. This year was pretty great because we went with everyone...even Leanne and my mom(who doesn't like football). I sat sandwiched between my dad and Brandon because I knew they would join me in my cheering and total focus (the girls gabbed...Ramey and Jeremy ate lol). We had a blast and it reminded me of the million reasons why I love my daddy!

Wayne Cole is the hardest working man I know. He has always provided for our family and has been such a strong, positive role model for me and my siblings. My dad is also one of the best men I know. He loved his family well, and takes care of us, no matter how old we get. Izzy absolutely adores my dad. She's definitely "papaw's girl!"

My dad is pretty calm, until it comes to us playing sports. He was very supportive growing up and was the best coach we could ask for. Yes, he was hard on us, but it made us better athletes and better people. Although he worked more than any man ever should (he's a farmer), he ALWAYS had time to throw balls with me, work on my shooting form, or just go get a chocolate milkshake at Sonic with me. These days, he makes time to take the grand kids to the creek, play cards with us (the only person I really like to be partners with), and chat on the phone with me about the latest sports news.

I have learned so much from him. I can't even begin to write all of them down but I will say a few:
1.) work hard. Like I mentioned, my dad is the hardest worker I know. He has always shown us that work is important and that anything worth doing is worth doing well.
2.) love Jesus. My dad loves The Lord and always took us to church on Sundays. I can't stress how important it is in families that the husband/father be an example in this way. Most important thing a dad can do is to teach his children to love and obey God.
3:) love well. Like I mentioned earlier, my dad makes time in his busy schedule for all of us. One thing I've always known is that my dad loves me. And I know he loves my mom (he is so good to her!) and he loves my daughter. I love watching how much she loves him back!
4.) coaching. Although my dad never coached for a living, he's the best coach I've ever had. Not only did I get my love for sports from him, I also got my love of coaching from him. One of my favorite things is to coach and sometimes when I hear myself, I think "I sound just like dad!"

The list goes on and on, but I'll stop there because this blog would be the longest one yet! I love my dad. I have been blessed with a great, loving, supportive dad and I know that this is a huge blessing because in a lot of ways he has made me who I am today.

Thanks dad for not only being my dad, but also my coach, my leader, my comforter, my encourager, my challenger (all those long rides home after losses yikes!), and friend. I love you so, so very much. I couldn't imagine my life growing up and now without such a strong, kind, loving man in my life.

Wayne Cole is one of the most influential people of my lifetime. Praise God that he gave me this man to call me daughter! I am a better person because of him!

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