Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sometimes it's inadvertent

Day 10: October 8 Seth and Jana McCraine

Inadvertent: not resulted from or achieved through deliberate planning.

Inadvertent is the word of the day. Sometimes, what deeply effects the husband also deeply effects the wife. So, today's post is about Seth and Jana, two wonderful friends of ours that have deeply effected both of our lives. Jeremy met Seth 11 years ago in Russellville. They actually met through the Russellville Christian Center and became instant friends. Jeremy was seeking a deeper relationship with Christ and Seth became someone that he could partner with in this journey. Unfortunately, after awhile, they lost touch. Jeremy, though, since we had started dating back in 2008, had always talked about this guy, Seth, who was just "the best guy around." Numerous times he mentioned that he really wanted to get together with him because he knew that Seth and his wife, Jana, were living up here, but didn't really know how to get ahold of him.

Cue fate, or as I like to call it...God's handiwork. Randomly, a little over two years ago,  Jeremy and I were at Fast Lanes (of all places) and as we were walking around I heard the loudest laugh ever. Jeremy walked up to this guy (whom I later found out to be Seth) and practically wrapped him up in a bear hug. Seth and Jana just so happened to be on a date that night...the same night we just so happen to be there as well. Jeremy and Seth talked for several minutes while I got to know Jana. Jana and I became instant friends as well.

Since then, Jeremy and Seth constantly hang out. Seth is an amazing friend to Jeremy and they definitely live out the verse Proverbs 27:17-"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Not only does Jeremy have someone to encourage him in his walk with Christ, but also someone to work out with, hunt, and just grab a coffee with. Because of their friendship, Jeremy and I also finally found a church that we both love and feel challenged/encouraged/built up at...and also where Seth, Jana, and their three wonderful kids (Caleb, Lainey, and Silas) attend.

I am so thankful for Seth's influence and friendship in Jeremy's life. I am also thankful for Jana and having another "married couple" to hang out with. It's nice to have friends that are in the same stage of life as you. This afternoon, we went to the pumpkin patch with the McCraines. It was so much fun and Izzy had a blast. Here are a few pictures from the patch...including some of all the kids together:

Izzy adores Caleb. She laughs and smiles at him every time he gets near.

The McCraine family has been a huge influence in our (and especially Jeremy's life) over the past few years. We are so thankful that God knew how important it was for Jeremy and Seth to be friends again. His desire for us is to build friendships with Godly people...and we are so thankful to have met such a Godly couple.

Thank you Seth, for inadvertently being such an influence my life. Thank you McCraine family for loving and encouraging Jeremy, Izzy, and I daily. You guys are the best and definitely some of the most influential people of my almost 30 years.

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